What is a First Article?

1. When a product of any kind is in the development stages, regardless of whether it is being designed for civilian or government use, it goes through several design iterations. When the design has been finalized and specifications for its manufacture finalized, the product must be manufactured for the first time using component parts designed for the purpose. The very first part (or assemblage of parts) to be manufactured is a “first article”.
2. When a company has an item that it needs manufactured, it requests bids from subcontractors who specialize in the type of manufacturing needed. Subcontractors will submit bids in which they demonstrate their ability to manufacture the item and give their pricing structure. The first item to be manufactured by any selected contractor will be a “first article.”
What is a First Article Inspection?
Benefits of a First Article Inspection?
First Article Inspection: Accreditation
Before an inspection body (a laboratory or other facility) can perform First Article Inspections, or indeed any type of inspection for clients, it must be inspected itself and awarded an accreditation. Nel PreTech is accredited by the highly regarded A2LA accreditation body.
These accreditation tests ensure that the inspection body :
- is competent to perform specific inspections or specific types of inspections; and
- (has a) quality system (which is) is documented, fully operational and addresses and conforms to all elements of ISO/IEC 17025, IAF/ILAC A4 and A2LA official applications of these standards;
- is operating in accordance to its quality system; and
- conforms to any additional requirements of A2LA or specific fields or programs necessary to meet particular user needs.[1]
Regulatory Bodies :
- ISO: International Organization for Standardization
- IEC: International Electrotechnical Commission
- IAF: International Accreditation Forum
- ILAC: International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation
International Organization for Standardization
Although ISO publishes technical reports, technical specifications, and guides, their main products are international standards.
These international standards are designated with the format ISO (and then either [/IEC] or [/ASTM] ) then a number [Innnnn[-p]:[yyyy] and a Title.
For example:
IEC stands for International Electrotechnical Commission and is included if the standard has been produced by the work of ISO/IEC JTC1 (the ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee).
(Standards produced in conjunction with the ASTM would use that acronym.)
International Electrotechnical Commission

Standards produced by the IEC cover a wide range of technologies from power generation, transmission and distribution to home appliances and office equipment, semiconductors, fibre optics, batteries, solar energy, nanotechnology, and marine energy as well as many others.
The IEC also manages three global conformity assessment systems that certify whether equipment, system or components, conform to its International Standards.
International Accreditation Forum
Its main function is to develop a single worldwide program of conformity assessment in order to reduce the risk for business and its customers by assuring them that accredited certificates can be relied upon.
International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation
1) Inspection Body Accreditation Program, American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA)
2) Accreditation: Facilitating world trade, http://www.iaf.nu/