Case Study: Inspecting 3D-Printed Rocket Components with Industrial CT Scanning

Discover how aerospace manufacturers use Nel PreTech's industrial CT scanning to enhance 3D-printed rocket parts, detecting flaws and improving performance.

Mike Heim
Mike Heim


The aerospace industry increasingly relies on 3D printing (additive manufacturing) to produce lightweight, high-performance rocket components. These complex parts, optimized for strength and thermal management, play crucial roles in rocket propulsion. However, maintaining the quality and consistency of such components can be challenging. Nel PreTech’s industrial CT scanning offers manufacturers the precision to inspect and optimize these critical components.

The Challenge  

Additive manufacturing (AM) revolutionizes rocket propulsion, allowing intricate designs, such as complex geometries in cooling channels or lightweight structures. However, it also introduces challenges like unmelted powder, clogs, and deformations. These flaws—especially in crucial parts like fuel flow systems or cooling channels—can lead to reduced thrust or structural weaknesses.


For instance, even a minor flaw in a cooling channel can cause overheating, uneven combustion, or reduced fuel efficiency. Standard inspection methods are insufficient for detecting such internal defects, risking mission success.

3D printed rocket nozzle
Photo Courtesy: Betatype nTopology

Solution: Industrial CT Scanning for Comprehensive Inspection

Nel PreTech’s industrial CT scanning services offer aerospace manufacturers a non-destructive testing (NDT) solution, capturing high-resolution internal images of 3D-printed components. This method detects issues like incomplete fusions, internal cracks, warping, and unmelted powder, particularly in critical areas like cooling channels and combustion chambers.


Industrial CT scanning preserves component integrity while expediting production by visualizing these defects without dismantling the part. This inspection method is essential for aerospace, where precision and reliability are critical for mission success.

Results: Optimized Components and Process Improvements

By incorporating Nel PreTech’s industrial CT scanning into their quality control processes, aerospace manufacturers have improved both the performance of their 3D-printed components and the efficiency of their workflows. CT scans enable real-time adjustments to printing parameters, improving part quality and reducing waste.


For example, when a flaw was detected in the cooling channels of a rocket thruster, the manufacturer adjusted the printing process to prevent future defects, resulting in higher-quality components and optimized production. This early detection of flaws also helps manufacturers avoid costly failures during rocket missions.


In one case, a manufacturer using Nel PreTech’s industrial CT scanning services identified incomplete fusions in a combustion chamber. Addressing this flaw early on prevented potential engine failure, optimizing the component’s design for future production runs. Such insights are invaluable in ensuring reliability in rocket propulsion systems.

Conclusion: Elevating Aerospace AM with Industrial CT Scanning

Industrial CT scanning has become an indispensable tool for aerospace and rocket propulsion manufacturers. Nel PreTech’s advanced scanning technology provides a detailed look at the internal structure of 3D-printed components, helping companies identify and correct flaws that could impact performance and safety.


As the aerospace industry continues to push the boundaries of innovation, Nel PreTech’s reliable inspection methods ensure high-quality results for critical rocket propulsion components. By partnering with Nel PreTech, manufacturers can optimize their additive manufacturing processes, improving component quality and overall performance in space travel applications.

What’s Next?

Partner with Nel PreTech for your next additive manufacturing project. Contact us to learn more about our industrial CT scanning services.

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